Friday, December 12, 2008

jennifer, kelly & co.

This week two very special ladies and their equally special families stopped by for some holdiay shots. Jennifer and Kelly (or Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Kelly, as they're known to so many little ones) are my son's teachers. Such fun, engaging and sweet women, and I couldn't be happier that my first born's first teachers ended up being them. I've so enjoyed getting to know them, and I admire them so much. Ms. Jen's husband has served our country not once, but twice, in Iraq, and it's a very special Christmas that he is here with them today. Ms. Kelly welcomed the sweetest little boy into the world 3 months ago, but some very scary circumstances after the birth kept us up all night worried to death, and the poor baby in the NICU for a week. But both boys are home with their families this Christmas, and it was an honor to capture these moments for them. Thank you, ladies, for the beyond stellar job you do with our babies every day, and enjoy your sneak!

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