Wednesday, September 9, 2009

nancy & co.

When she booked the session awhile back, her name struck me. I could easily see it as the name of some quirky, sassy mystery solving heroine, adored by teens and adults alike (for privacy purposes, I can't discolose her last name, but it's really, really cute). And then she told me she was a friend of Jenny's and admired all of her kids' pictures (taken by yours truly). And then she told me she was from Houston and wanted to schedule something with me. In Dallas. And that's pretty much when I became Nancy's. Biggest. Fan. And then I met her beyondadorablepreciousandallthingssweet children on Sunday. And I really have nothing more to say. Except that, OMG, I could not get enough of these children. Connor is 5 going on 17. Such an old soul. And so darn handsome. I'm not kidding when I say that he looks like he's 10 in some of the shots. Katie literally just turned 3 and is going on 27. Sass, spunk, spirit and sweet all come to mind when describing this precocious little tot; and her vocabulary was astounding. The sibs were so sweet together; Connor especially was particularly affectionate with his baby sister, and she is clearly a Big Brother fan. I have to give credit to these two little ones, because they were in from out of town, totally off their schedules and could have made the session really, really hard. But we were done in no time, with tons of amazing moments captured. When booking the session, Nancy was really worried that it might be too much . . . I think I'm going to start suggesting that all my clients take a 5 hour road trip before coming to see me. Jeb and Nancy, you have a beautiful, beautiful family. It was an honor working with you, even more so since you are Houstonians. And it was extra special because we took the Family of Four shots in the same park where Jeb and Nancy took their Family of Two-to-be pics a few years ago. Thanks, guys, for an incredible session. Enjoy your sneak, and hope the trip home was an easy one!

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