Saturday, November 8, 2008

caroline & co.

I met Caroline many moons ago, when we were both college students. Caroline is a tall, thin blonde with lips that put Angelina Jolie's to shame. Oh, and she has the most beautiful Louisianna drawl you've ever heard. Seriously, it makes you wanna pull out a vintage fan and flutter it all about whilst sitting on a porch swing, sipping mint juleps on a warm summer's night! After college, ironically, we both ended up working at the same company. So it was a bit surreal to be taking pictures of her lovely family this morning, when I've seen her go from college girl to working girl to working Mom. And don't get me started on Bill. They were college sweethearts. And he was a big, burly rugby player. But today he was the sweetest daddy to his two little boys, even though he was battling a stomach but that kept him up most of the previous night. His sense of humor has always been one that makes me laugh out loud, which is a bit tricky when trying to keep a steady hand with the camera. Silly Will and Serious John were such sweet troopers, especially when we tried to ditch the lollipops between shots. It was such a special morning to reunite with old friends and see the beautiful family they have made. Thank you, guys, for the fun moments, and Bill, I hope you feel better soon!

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