Saturday, September 27, 2008

susan & co.

As the oldest of five children, I was looking forward to this morning's shoot the minute it was booked: a family photo shoot with four kids. Four. I couldn't wait to jump in and experience the wonderfully crazy moments that having a large family brings. And, my oh my, the fun we had! Tree climbing, duck chasing (or should I say running from the ducks), the Divine Miss Diva Claire's model posing, missing teeth counting, Family Pyramid making and more! I was absolutely amazed at how well behaved Abby, Parker, Grace and Claire were. So polite, so ridiculously cooperative, so well mannered and so eager to create unique and original poses! I honestly could have played with them all day. And if I didn't know better, I'd think that this family went on photo shoots every weekend: each and every one of them was so relaxed in front of the camera. Susan, thank you so much for letting me hang out with you guys. You and Kerry have done an excellent job raising your brood, and I fell in love with each and every one of them!

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